"Cercanas lejanías" espectáculo virtual de Vannia Ibarguen en Yuyachkani

Vannia Ibarguen, ex bailarina del Ballet Municipal de Lima y hoy maestra de la Escuela de danza ANDANZAS de la PUCP, repone un montaje personal con "Cercanas lejanías", un acercamiento singular a las nuevas tecnologías y su poder para mantenernos comunicados.

"Cercanas lejanías" va solo en dos fechas: el sábado 10 de julio (8 pm) y el domingo 11 de julio (6:30 pm) en la Sala Yuyachkani (Calle Tacna 363 - Magdalena).

Además de la danza en vivo de 14 bailarines de Andanzas PUCP, el espectáculo incluye performances trasmitidas en vivo desde otras locaciones desarrolladas en colaboración con bailarines de Estados Unidos y Perú.


Alice dijo…
That was actually a cool ideas you been shared for. Apparently I am enjoying watching the ballet with Lisa Macuja. looking forward the way you perform.
beautiful one. You have such so many activities that can be a great opportunities to others to enhance their skills and talent.
Brilliant ideas on scramble of the words. It was too interesting to be solve it. Thank you so much!!
Alina dijo…
Great!The show includes performances transmitted live from other locations developed in collaboration with dancers from the United States and Peru.Thanks for sharing this.
Tara T. Harris dijo…
I agree this cool idea and this is interesting and informative.Well done,thumbs up..Thanks!!
Ken dijo…
Interesting post and thanks for sharing. Some things in here I have not thought about before.Thanks for making this blog a bit interesting.

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